Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash
I live in a place that gets very little sunlight in the winter. It is gray and cold – short, dull days. It affects my mood. So much so that my first year teaching in the Czech Republic, a student told me I was smiling because the sun was out. This was a new realization for me, that those dark days overwhelmed my outlook. When the sun finally comes out in the spring, it is a welcomed thing. It warms the cold places that have grabbed a hold of me. I begin to feel refreshed and renewed, ready to face any challenges that come my way. My smile returns.
It was on a sunny spring day after I first moved to Prague that I realized how easy it would be to exchange the truth about the sun (that it is a created thing meant for our and the earth’s benefit) to the lie that because it gives light and warmth, it should be worshiped. I do revel in the sun. It is glorious, but only because God created it so. (And I revel in God such much more!) And its glory and light are pale in comparison to God, who is oh, so worthy and is forever to be praised! Pray that we only look to Him, who is our light and our source, to overcome the darkness in our lives.
This is a devotional I wrote for TeachBeyond’s 40 Days of Prayer initive for 2022.