Lovely Lisbon
Travel truly refreshes our soul and gives us a new perspective. I will admit, I am not a very good tourist. Seeing popular sights and herding along with the rest of the crowd doesn’t excite me. I prefer to wander the streets, get a feel of the place. Try new foods, have an experience or two. Just relax and be. I don’t have a set agenda but rather go where the day leads. An adventure!

Visiting Amberley
Amberley is a quiet, sleepy village about a 1.5 km (about a mile) walk from the station. It took us a bit to get our bearings and head the right way, but we figured it out and set off. All of a sudden, the way opened up to this little village and I can’t even begin to tell you how cute it was. My inner Jane Austen fangirl was going wild.

Seven Reasons I Love Living in the Czech Republic
Let me tell you, living overseas can be rough. There are lots of misunderstandings and sometimes a lack of creature comforts. It’s easy to delve into the negative aspects of living in a foreign country but there is so much that brings joy. Here are a few things I love about being in the Czech Republic or just the expat life in general.